what is your impression of mexico?

september 16th is mexico independence day,flower and ethnic silk scarf decorationthe exhibition hall of more than 10 meters is full of festive atmosphere, invited guests dressed in national costumes, gathered together, live performance of maria qi music has become the most beautiful melody of mexican patriotism.

the event officially started at 2 pm, when beibei came, it was still blue sky and white clouds, and the sun was empty, the long queues are arranged early in the entrance and exit, and when leaving, the main venue is surrounded by three layers of people inside and outside< span style="margin:0px;padding:0px;max-width:100%;box-sizing:border-box !important;word-wrap:break-word !important;font-size:14px;color:#000000; "> some people danced with music, some people embraced passionately, some people drank beer...

mexico is said to be the world's first avocado production area. fertile volcanic soil, ideal climate, and centuries of expert research, mexico is the only land in the world that can harvest avocado four times a year. mexicans who have been living in china for a long time, seeing the freshly cut mexican avocado, their eyes are bright.

night falls, the carnival remains
on the day of the war, people celebrated the carnival
now we have learned to celebrate peace in a peaceful way.
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